Undergraduate Program

Journalism and Media Studies: Journalism

The Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies is a 3-year, internationally accredited program offering a modern and interdisciplinary education combining standard Journalism school courses with courses in media studies, film studies, and marketing/public relations. You will earn a globally recognized American and European B.A. degree.

Hear from our students
Accreditation WASC + MSMT
Degree Bachelor of Arts
Duration 3 years
Location Prague, CZ
Tuition EU 685 020 CZK
Tuition NON-EU 793 020 CZK
Intake Fall / Spring
Deadline Rolling Admission
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About the program

The Journalism concentration in AAU’s Journalism and Media Studies program provides students with a wealth of practical skills and training for a diverse set of careers in the contemporary journalistic and media environment. In addition to reinforcing the broader program skills of writing, public speaking, and digital image creation, the Journalism concentration focuses on building interpersonal and intercultural communicative skills, which pay special attention to the use of human sources in the production of journalistic content, and on narrative skills.

Fully supported by the faculty, Journalism students are encouraged to analyse difficult concepts, do their own original research and start new projects. The Lennon Wall Student magazine is just another proof of that: as challenging as running a publication can be, nothing compares to the unique, hands-on experience that students get planning the annual budget, coming up with the editorial plan (and trying to follow it) and creating a magazine layout.

Karina Verigina, Journalism & Media, Student

This concentration covers the general journalistic discipline. Journalism concentration focuses on developing: journalistic writing skills; photo and video reporting; radio; broadcasting. Students learn to report news as well as to work in specific genres such as travel writing, documentary photography, cultural journalism, etc.

Study Journalism and Media Studies in the heart of Europe

Prague was at the crossroads of a divided Europe during the Cold War, and now instead the city has become an open and welcoming cosmopolitan capital in New Europe for all nationalities with a number of domestic (in English-language or in Czech)  and international media organizations based here. AAU’s student body includes students from many countries across Europe and Euroasia, the Americas, the Middle East, etc. with an equally diverse faculty with various areas of substantial expertise.  

Beyond the classroom students can create and host internet radio programs on Soundbricks, contribute or produce the bi-annual student magazine Lennon Wall, or join any number of the student clubs concerned with environmental or other social issues. The Career Center also regularly invites media professionals to meet our students helping to ensure numerous internships opportunities in the Czech Republic or abroad.

By taking advantage of these opportunities students can finish the degree in Journalism & Media Studies having gained a solid background combining academic rigor and practical experience, and an appropriate internship in a desired field for the future.

Program Structure

Below, you can find the study plan for the B.A. in Journalism and Media Studies: Journalism as well as a list of courses available to choose from.

Study Modules

Having passed all the required and elective courses, students complete their studies by taking graduation examination: state exam covering the major module, state exam covering the concentration module, thesis defense.

For more information on the modular structure and the study program, please contact our admissions team at admissions@aauni.edu.

Example Student Projects

  • Marie Croonenberghs & Julie Meunier interview artist and AAU Visual Arts Student Katherina Martin
  • Kristyna Jandova, Digital Tools for New Media – St. Nicholas Day

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the B.A. in Journalism and Media Studies: Journalism can expect to:

  • Have theoretical, methodological and conceptual knowledge of the field of journalism and communications, complemented by interdisciplinary knowledge of political, economic, social and humanities disciplines.
  • Have the following capabilities and skills:
    a. seek out, evaluate the reliability of, and work with information,
    b. work in traditional and new digital media in an online work environment,
    c. master the fundamentals of economic, cultural and investigative reporting,
    d. public speaking and moderating,
    e. intercultural communication.
  • Possess the following competencies: work independently and in teams, including international teams, coordinate team activities to achieve set goals, communicate findings, problems and solutions to the domestic and international public in English in both written and verbal form, and persistently pursue their own professional development

Career Prospects

AAU graduates thrive in multinational environments and are able to communicate professionally in English to international audiences. As a graduate of this degree program, you will be well-equipped to continue your studies or pursue a global career in areas such as:

  • Various forms of print and web media 
  • Cultural Management
  • Reporting or Diplomacy
  • Humanitarian Government and Nonprofit Organizations
  • Education
  • Social research
  • Publishing

Interesting internship opportunities for AAU journalism students: Prague Morning, Radio Free Europe, expats.cz, Project  Syndicate, Havas.

Qualification Awarded

The Bachelor’s degree awarded is concurrently recognized as a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in the United States, per AAU’s accreditation by the WASC Senior College and University Commission, and as a Bakalář (Bc.) in the Czech Republic, per AAU’s accreditation by the National Accreditation Bureau for Higher Education (NABHE). Graduates may select whether to use the U.S. post-nominal or the Czech pre-nominal title.

Financial Aid and Scholarships

We provide a wide range of scholarships, tuition discounts, and financial aid options to help make quality education more accessible. To learn more please visit our dedicated Financial Aid and Scholarships page.

Additional information

See what our students have to say

I will forever be grateful to AAU for what I’ve become – a TV producer of a London-based channel, a reporter and a presenter. It gave me everything (both skills and emotional support) to inspire me and to kick-start my career in journalism.

Katherine Dedukh
Journalism & Media, Ukraine/Estonia

What I enjoy the most about the program I study at AAU is the practicality of the various subjects, learning how to write, compose, analyze and even edit content are all skills I can use to my advantage in my professional life.

Ify Nsoha
Journalism & Media, Nigeria/Czech Republic

Meet the people

Andrew Giarelli, Ph.D.

Senior Lecturer, Chair of Department of Art, Culture & Literature andrew.giarelli@aauni.edu
See all people

Do you have questions?

We are happy to help!

Kateřina Fundová Admissions Counselor katerina.fundova@aauni.edu
Brittany Cordy Admissions Counselor brittany.cordy@aauni.edu