Celebrating Success: The Book Launch of Milada Polišenská and Jiří Kašný

Back in October 2022, Milada Polišenská and Jiří Kašný announced the launch of their book “František Uhlíř: Two Exiles of a Politician, a Teacher and a Clergyman“ in a small event in the AAU Library. More recently, the cafe in the premises of the Academia publishing house on Wenceslas Square in Prague became the place to be to celebrate this book coming out!
With current AAU President, Jiří Schwarz, and the former president now current deputy of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Jaroslav Miller, in attendance, it was a wholehearted and special celebration of the life of this incredible man, František Uhlíř, and of the dedication of Milada Polišenská and Jiří Kašný in documenting it!
Read more about this public book launch in PROTI ŠEDI (Against Gray). The full article can be found here (we suggest using the Google Chrome translate plug-in). ProtiŠedi.cz is an online publishing platform reporting on a wide range of topics such as education, culture, opinion pieces, and general interests.