Mgr. Daniela Lenčéš Chalániová, Ph.D.

Daniela Lenčéš Chalániová has graduated from the Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Comenius University in Bratislava (SK) in the field of European Studies and International Relations, she then went on to obtain her Ph.D. in a doctoral programme in International Relations and European Studies jointly organized by the Institute of International Relations, Prague and the Metropolitan University Prague. Her research interests lie primarily in social and political aspects of European integration, drawing on and inspired by constructivist and critical scholarship in international relations, sociology, communication studies and visual studies.


European Integration, European Identity, Democratic Legitimacy of the European Union, Visual Discourse Analysis, Political Cartoons

Publications & Other Activities

  • Lenčéš Chalániová, Daniela with Vit Beneš and Jakub Eberle (2016): “Euroscepticism and Trustbuilding”, opinion paper prepared for the Prague European Summit (2nd edition), 6-8th June, Prague
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2015): “Is the EU doomed?”, in Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 9(3): journal website
  • Lenčéš Chalániová, Daniela (2015): “Aký obraz o utečencoch ponúkajú a Blesk s radikálnym hnutím Islam v ČR nechceme? Analýza fotografií a fotokoláží zo sociálnych sietí”, presented at the IIR Refugee and Migration Science Café, 21st October, Prague
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2014): “Turn the Other Greek. How the Eurozone Crisis Changes the Image of Greeks and what Do Visual Representations of Greeks Tell Us about European Identity”, in Gyárfášová Olga and Karin Liebhart (eds.) Constructing and Communicating Europe, Berlin: LIT Verlag: 19-52
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2013): “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Heroes, Villains and Outcasts of the European Economic Crisis as Seen by Political Cartoonists” in Maslowski Nicholas (ed.) XVII. International Conference of Young Scholars conference, Collective Memory and International Relations, Peer-reviewed electronic proceedings, Prague: VŠE: 38-69
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2013): “Turn the Other Greek. How the Eurozone Crisis Changes the Image of Greeks and what Do Visual Representations of Greeks Tell Us about European Identity”, in Perspectives, 21(1): 5-30
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2012): “Cultural Diplomacy and Stereotypes in Present-Day Czecho-Slovak Relations. Breaking with the Past? Heterostereotypes of Czechs and Slovaks Twenty Years from the Velvet Divorce”, in Topić Martina and Siniša Rodin (eds.) Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Imperialism: European Perspective(s), Bremen/Frankfurt am Mein: Peter Lang Verlag: 161-188
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2012): “EU Counterterrorism Policy: A Paper Tiger?”, in Central European Journal of International and Security Studies 6(1): 225-227
  • Chalániová, Daniela (2011): “EÚ – karikatúra medzinárodného aktéra? Predstavy o aktérstve Európskej únie podľa týždenníka The Economist” (EU – A Caricature of an International Actor? Imagining European Union Actorness in The Economist Magazine), in Mezinárodní vztahy, 46(4): 11-37