Ing. Miroslav Svoboda, Ph.D.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Business

Letenská 5, Prague 1
office no. 3.11

Miroslav Svoboda, Ph.D., is the Vice President for Academic Affairs. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics and his M.A. in Economic Policy and Philosophy at the University of Economics, Prague. He also graduated from Charles University (liberal studies). Miroslav has extensive experience in university-level academic and operational management, academic quality management, and teaching economics. Miroslav previously served as Dean of School of Business Administration at AAU. Before, he served as Vice Dean for Academic and Students Affairs at the largest Czech university, specializing in economics, where he initiated and participated in university accreditation and academic quality enhancement, and participated in managing university fiscal and information resources.


Economic Way of Thinking, Philosophy and Methodology of Economics, Austrian School of Economics

Publications & Other Activities

  • SVOBODA, Miroslav. Realism, Instrumentalism and the Time Aspect of Theory Building. Prague Economic Papers, 2015, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 473-481. ISSN 1210-0455.
  • SVOBODA, Miroslav. Fenomenologie jako základ ekonomické metody. Politická ekonomie, 2014, vol. LXI, no. 3, pp. 400–417. ISSN 0032-3233.
  • SVOBODA, Miroslav, BOCÁK, Petr. Curiosity of Pay-Per-Bid Auctions: Evidence from Auction Site. Prague Economic Papers, 2013, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 418–432. ISSN 1210-0455.
  • ROD, Aleš, SLINTÁKOVÁ, Barbora, SVOBODA, Miroslav, DEJNOŽKA, Petr, LAVICKÝ, Martin. Školní atlas – Dnešní finanční svět [CD-ROM]. Prague : TERRA-KLUB, 2012. 63 p. ISBN 978-80-902282-8-3.
  • SVOBODA, Miroslav. History and Troubles of Consumer Surplus. Prague Economic Papers, 2008, vol. XVII, no. 3, pp. 230–242. ISSN 1210-0455.
  • SVOBODA, Miroslav. Consumer’s Surplus – Economic Tool for Public Finance, or Business. Herľany 13. 11. 2007 – 14. 11. 2007. In: Mladí vedci 2007 [CD-ROM]. Košice : Technical University of Košice, 2007, pp. 157–161. ISBN 978-80-8073-948-5.