British History II

Course NameBritish History II
Course CodeHIS230
DescriptionThis course offers an introduction to the history of Great Britain from the early nineteenth century to the turn of the new millennium. Adopting a predominantly narrative approach, it tells the story of a state and society undergoing a profound set of transformations. These include the attainment and subsequent loss of immense global power; democratization and attendant changes to the structure of national politics; social and cultural change, including shifting attitudes to central aspects of life such as religion, money, the role of women and individual rights; and shifting relations between the state and the peoples of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England. Along the way, the course explores such defining events and processes as the industrial revolution, the Irish Famine, the impacts of two world wars, the advent of feminism and other activist causes and the lasting legacy of Thatcherism.
Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this course, students will be able to:
– Critically evaluate and reflect on the major phases and trends in modern British history from the early nineteenth century to contemporary times;
– Demonstrate a critical awareness of historiographical debate in British history, and an ability to discriminate between major differing interpretations of the British past developed by historians;
– Engage with British history in terms of the individual histories of the ‘four nations’ – the English, the Scots, the Welsh and Irish – while also being sensitive to the limitations and over-simplifications of such designations and labels;
– Articulate informed opinions on aspects of British history by reference to primary sources as well as secondary;
– Demonstrate enhanced communication presentation skills gained from frequent in-class discussion and group work.
SchoolSchool of Humanities & Social Sciences
Number of credits (US / ECTS)3 US / 6 ECTS