Vojtech Lambert

2010/2013 Alumnus
BA Business Administration & MABLIM
How does one become a rockstar entrepreneur? Ask Vojtech Lambert, BA and MABLIM alumnus of AAU. He co-founded and is managing, LCG New Media, a full-service digital agency ranked among TOP 30 Google partners in the Czech Republic, and is an actual rockstar. He started playing drums in 2003, has released 4 albums with 2 different bands, and has played at festivals such as Rock for People and Colors of Ostrava.
Why did you choose AAU?
My brother Martin gave me great references, as did several friends. I wanted to study abroad, but AAU was a great combination of studying among foreign students and great teachers, and at the same time being able to stay in Prague to play with the band and to work at several jobs (including founding my company LCG New Media).
What’s something valuable you learned outside of the classroom at AAU?
It was a great place to create contacts. Most of all, I liked the diversity, the fact that I could talk to various nationalities and create different views on multiple topics – not only in the classroom, but also at university parties.
What is your biggest accomplishment to date?
Getting my company into the TOP digital agencies in Czech Republic. It was a hell of a ride building up the company. At the beginning it was very hard to secure the position. In the Czech Republic, there are more than 3000 agencies (small to big ones). I was spending day and night working. In those days we had a proper structure, a team of 25 people and directors for each department. Currently we are working for big names such as BAYER, PANDORA, CinemaCity, Jim Beam and many others. It is still challenging and you need to push the agency still further, but it is a great and creative job.

If you had the opportunity to give a TED talk, what would you speak about?
Evolution of generations in the context of jobs – I have employed a lot of people during these 10 years and I can see how the atmosphere and culture is changing. Young generations are really different from those I’ve known when I first started working. They tend to rotate in the companies a lot, they want to combine traveling, working, studying and enjoying life. They have a lot of opportunities, so they tend not to appreciate the same things we do: a stable job, good money, etc. They are very emotional as well. Also there is a huge trend of work from home – in our industry it started a few years before Covid 19 came. So it is sometimes harder to manage these generations and there is quite a higher demand on the HR aspects. On the other hand, once you have a big talent, they tend to grow really fast, so you need to observe the best ones and give them support, resources, to be able to secure them and use their talent to grow the company and the quality.
Knowing what you know now, what would you advise yourself when you were just graduating from AAU?
I would not change anything or advise anything else. I am really grateful for everything I learned at AAU and it helped me to navigate in the post-uni years.
For fun, if you could invent an app, what would it be and why?
I think it will be something connected with music :-).
Tell us something unique about yourself. A hobby, an accomplishment you’re proud of, a lesson learned.
I’ve played the drums since 2003 and was part of 2 rock bands – Another Way and Bros n Beasts, with which we played several biggest festivals (Rock For People, HradyCZ, Colours of Ostrava, etc), and toured with famous Czech bands (Sunshine, Support Lesbiens, Chinaski). We’ve released 4 albums.