New Dean Appointed to School of International Relations & Diplomacy

Anglo-American University (AAU) has appointed George Hays II, Ph.D., as the interim dean of the School of International Relations & Diplomacy (SIRD). A longstanding faculty member, Dr. Hays has been a key player in shaping the SIRD programs at AAU since 2016, serving as a permanent lecturer and chair of International Relations.
Stepping into this new leadership position, Hays brings extensive institutional knowledge and a diverse academic background encompassing philosophy, politics, economics, sociology, history, and international relations. He expressed gratitude for the trust placed in him in assuming this mantle, saying it inspired a “good feeling” that his colleagues and superiors think him capable and fit for the task.
Dr. Alexei Anisin, who recently vacated the position now filled by Hays to pursue a research fellowship, spoke of the latter’s contributions to the SIRD and AAU generally.
“Dr. Hays II has been an integral part of our school for many years and has overseen curriculum development as chair of the Department of International Relations, has instructed hundreds of B.A. seeking students successfully through the thesis seminar course; has supervised dozens of B.A and M.A. theses; [and] has likewise engaged in a number of extracurricular activities.”
Hays is well-known for bringing intellectual debates to life on campus and is the driving force behind the ever popular Professors in the Pub, AAU’s signature discussion series that tackles a new globally relevant topic at each sitting, while he also co-organized the former annual Roundtable in Anglo-American Studies series.
A Vision for SIRD
Hays said this new role represents an opportunity to engage with the university on a deeper level and expressed enthusiasm about working closely with the SIRD office staff, particularly Vice Dean Bréhéret and Assistant Dean Jirásková, whose experience he greatly values. Despite the leadership change, Hays gave assurance that the SIRD’s core mission will remain unchanged.
“The SIRD has long been a school focused on helping students reach their maximum potential. I want to continue and encourage that,” he explained.
Hays also spoke to the many challenges he faced in his own time as a student, which he believes will impart a certain aspect of empathy in his work as dean, and, along with his formal and informal education, will add immeasurable value to everything he does in his new role.
Strengths and Areas for Growth
Dr. Hays said he believes that ultimately the SIRD’s and university’s strength lies in its people—faculty, staff, and students—whose diverse backgrounds create an intellectually stimulating learning environment.
“Across the board, we have the most diverse group of people at AAU that I have ever come across in a university setting, and I think that is an incredible thing. Just think of what all of that diverse lived experience and professional experience does for a student exposed to it. The people here are special, and the community they create is special, and that is perhaps the most key defining point in my mind. That point allows for all of the other strengths to emerge and grow,” explained Hays.
Hays said he also regards AAU’s academic structure as a distinguishing attribute.
“Our view is wider than that of US universities, and it is deeper than Czech universities. We require a great deal of reading, as well as a great deal of thinking. Students must both think and produce quality work. It is not for nothing that so many of our SIRD BA students go on to do MAs in the top US and UK universities.”
Looking ahead, Hays also said he wants the SIRD to effectively bridge the gap between students and the workforce, creating a stronger correlation between academic preparation and the professional opportunities that graduates find upon completing their studies.
Addressing Global Challenges
Hays said he firmly believes that at the root of many global challenges lies a declining sense of personal agency and that this shift is responsible for societal issues ranging from environmental degradation and political polarization to the rise of AI and having machines do our thinking for us. These are consequences, Hays states, that can no longer be ignored.
The most pressing global issue for any person, regardless of school or field of study or position, is the general trend towards abandoning one’s own agency for the sake of ease and comfort. Every other significant problem that anyone could point to, I think, can find this issue involved at its base,” he explained.
Hays said this is something he would seek to change through the work of the SIRD, whose students will be trained to closely investigate problems, solutions, and the steps involved with a critical mind. They will likewise be introduced to a broad array of positions and arguments, while painstakingly distilling those arguments and weighing their value to develop informed responses.
Looking to the Future
His own plans as dean notwithstanding, Hays stressed that while a university can and should do its part by providing the environment and tools for learning and growth to take place, the shape and character of any school also lies in the hands of the students themselves.
“The future of SIRD is only partially up to me, and that part is quite miniscule. The weighty future (of SIRD or of that more broadly) is up to [the students] to manifest. It is up to [them] to make the decisions about what comes next,” said Hays.
Those interested in reclaiming their personal agency and playing a part in shaping the future of the School of International Relations & Diplomacy are encouraged to reach out to an Admissions counselor at today.