Libuše Jarcovjáková Photography Talk

Spirit week sep23 rgb--3

Room 1.31 (art studio)

Libuše Jarcovjáková, a highly noted Czech photographer and educator, will give a public lecture at AAU on October 4, 2023, from 3 pm to 5 pm, in room 1.31 (art studio).

Jarcovjáková’s works are currently on display at Kunsthalle Prague, as part of the group exhibition BOHEMIA: History of an Idea, 1950-2000. Jarcovjáková is the only Czech in this exhibit of international artists, which also includes the works of Nan Goldin (from New York City).

Jarcovjáková has been referred to as the “Czech Nan Goldin” for her photos of nightlife, minority groups, and social outcasts in 1970s and 1980s Prague and Berlin. Her diaristic works are especially noted as important documentation of the lively but clandestine gay bars and discos in Prague during communist-era Czechoslovakia.