JUDr. Radka MacGregor-Pelikánová, Ph.D., LL.M., M.B.A.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Almost twenty years of experience as an intellectual property (“IP”) expert and attorney, ten years of business management experience, and more than seven years of experience as an academic lecturer and researcher. A strong legal, business management and economic academic background from the Czech Republic, Germany, France and the United States, with a prolific publishing history. Licensed to practice in the Czech Republic and in Michigan. More than eight years of contract and knowledge management, and publishing experience as well as experience with business and project management, including cross-border and international projects.
Seven years as a full-time college lecturer and an organizer and presenter at seminars and conferences on various legal, business management and economic topics. Six years of involvement in public management and administration. Five years of direct involvement in information system(s)/information technology(ies) (“IS/IT”), and three years of managerial experience in the medical/pharmaceutical domain and the financial sector. Nearly two years experience as an American Government employee in the field of human health. A proven ability to teach and to provide legal services, business management and economic advice, follow directions, work independently, use of Six Sigma and TQM, and to complete projects on schedule. A team player proactively coordinating with colleagues, able to take initiative as appropriate.
Intellectual Property Law, Business Law, Contracts, Competition Law, EU Law, Comparison of the Continental Law and Common Law
Publications & Other Activities
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, MacGREGOR Robert … Global and local perspectives on valuaiton of domain names In: JINDŘICHOVSKÁ, Irena (Ed.) Global Rules & Local Use 2015 – 3rd International Conference, AAU, 7-9th October, 2015, AAU Prague….(peer review)
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, MacGREGOR Robert … One decade with the TLD of the EU – domain names for all Europeans as a (un)wanted mission (im)possible for three European Commissions. AA Law Forum, 2016, 7, …. ISSN 1804-1094 (in press)
- CVIK, Eva Daniela, MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. Implementation of Directive 2014/17/EU and its Impact on EU and Member States Markets, from not only a Czech Perspective. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 19th International Conference Enterprise and Competitive Environment 2016, ECE 2016, 10-11 March, Brno, Czech Republic. 2016, 220(85): 85-94. ISSN 1877-0428. Available at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042816305730
- CVIK, Eva Daniela, MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. A comparative study of the legal lability of executives in LLC in the Czech Republic and some of other EU member statests. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D 1/2016, 2014, 36, 54-65. ISSN 1211-555x (Print), ISSN 1804-8048 (On-line). Available at http://www.upce.cz/fes/veda-vyzkum/fakultni-casopisy/scipap/posledni-obsah.pdf Scopus
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, CVIK, Eva Daniela. FATCA from the US, EU and Czech perspectives – Governments of the world for tax compliance, unite!? In Jedlička, Pavel (ed). Double-blind peer reviewed proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec Economic Days 2016, Vol. II., 2nd-3rd February, 2016, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic : Gaudeamus, 2016, p. 95-105 of 411. ISBN 978-80-7435-634-6.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, CVIK Eva Daniela. Use or not to use Bitcoin this is the question. In Jedlička, Pavel (ed). Double-blind peer reviewed proceedings of the international scientific conference Hradec Economic Days 2016, Vol. II., 2nd-3rd February, 2016, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic : Gaudeamus, 2016, p. 106-113 of 411. ISBN 978-80-7435-634-6.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. New trends in perception and use of domain names – Critical and Comparative Analysis of the Modern Domain Name Universe. Ostrava : Key Publishing a Praha : MUP Press, 2015, ..140…p. ISBN 978-80-7418-251-8. Affiliation MUP, GA ČR
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. Does The Court of Justice policies perception shape the Pierre Fabre business, or is it the other way around? In Machová, Z., Tichá, M. (eds.). Proceedings of the 13th International Conference „Economic policy in the European Union Member Countries“, 2015, 367-381 of …. ISBN 978-80-248-3796-3. http://www.ekf.vsb.cz/hpveu/en/09-proceedings/2015-proceedings/ Affiliation MUP.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, Arbitráž mezinárodní a Československo. In: SCHELLE, Karel, TAUCHEN, Jaromír (Eds.). Encyklopedie českých právních dějin, I. svazek A-Č. Plzeň: Aleš Čeněk, 2015, 276-286 from 976 s. ISBN 978-80-7380-526-3 in co-edition with Ostrava: KEY Publishing, 2015. ISBN 978-80-7418-239-6 (!C charter in an academic book) Affiliation MUP.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. The unbearable lightness of imposing e-commerce in a vertical agreement setting. Antitrust – Revue of Competition Law, 2015, 3, 68-76. ISSN 1804-1183. Affiliation MUP.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, JAKL, Ladislav. Czech Republic In: BETTINGER, Torsten, WADDELL, Allegra (Ed.). Domain Name. Law and practice. An International Handbook. 2nd Edition. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2015, 257-284 of 1696 p. ISBN 9780199663163.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. Co mohou o základních zásadách občanského zákoníku naznačovat dva judikáty o průmyslovém vlastnictví? Rekodifikace & Praxe, 2015, III(11): 23-26. ISSN 1805-6822. Affiliation MUP.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, MacGREGOR, Robert. General doctrines and principles of EU law and their impact on domain names. AA Law Forum, 2015, 6, 29-45. ISSN 1804-1094. Available at http://www.aauni.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/6th-Edition-Forum.pdf
- CVIK, Eva Daniela, MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. Agricultural policy and law as reflected by Websites of Czech organic farmers IN: Smutka, L., Rezbová, H. (Eds.) Agrarian Perspectives XXIV – Global Agribusienss nad the Rural Economy – Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific Conference , 16 -18 September, Prgue, CZ : CULS, 2015, p. 82-89 of 552. ISBN 978-80-213-2581-4. Available at http://ap.pef.czu.cz/static/proceedings/2015/ Affiliation CZU. WoS.
- MacGregor PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka. The Significance of Domain Names for Agribusiness – Czech and Austrian comparative study IN: Smutka, L., Rezbová, H. (Eds.) Agrarian Perspectives XXIV – Global Agribusienss nad the Rural Economy – Proceedings of the 24th International Scientific Conference , 16 -18 September, Prague, CZ : CULS, 2015, p. 248-255 of 552. ISBN 978-80-213-2581-4. Available at http://ap.pef.czu.cz/static/proceedings/2015/ Affiliation CZU. WoS.
- MacGREGOR PELIKÁNOVÁ, Radka, MacGREGOR Robert. Internet Governance and its Legitimacy – From Rethoric to Facts and Even Beyond. International Journal of Business and Management, 2015, III(4): 77-102. ISSN 2336-2197. Available at http://www.iises.net/current-issue-ijobm.html Affiliation MUP, GA CR.