Prof. Ondřej Pilný, Ph.D.
Letenska 5, Prague 1

Distinguished Senior Lecturer at Anglo-American University, and Professor of English and American Literature and Director of the Centre for Irish Studies at Charles University, Prague. He is the author of two books, The Grotesque in Contemporary Anglophone Drama (2016) and Irony and Identity in Modern Irish Drama (2006) and editor of collections of essays and journal issues on subjects ranging from Anglophone drama and Irish literature to cultural memory and structuralist theory. His translations include plays by J.M. Synge, Brian Friel, Martin McDonagh, Enda Walsh and Mark O’Rowe, and Flann O’Brien’s novel The Third Policeman. He is a past Chairperson of the International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures and former Vice-President of the European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies.
Modern and Contemporary Drama and Theatre, Literature and Politics, Irish Studies
Publications & Other Activities
Books (recent)
- PILNÝ, Ondřej, Ruud van den BEUKEN, Ian R. WALSH, eds. Cultural Convergence: The Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1960. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2021. Open Access.
Journal Issues (recent)
- WALLACE, Clare and Ondřej PILNÝ,eds. “Dialogue, Performance and the Body Politic in Contemporary Theatre.” Litteraria Pragensia, 32.63 (2022). Open Access.
Book Chapters (recent)
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“Terminus (2007) by Mark O’Rowe.” Shaun Richards, ed. Fifty Key Irish Plays. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2023. 168-71.
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“The Brothers Čapek at the Gate: R.U.R. and The Insect Play.” Pilný, Ondřej, Ruud van den Beuken, Ian R. Walsh, eds. Cultural Convergence: The Dublin Gate Theatre, 1928-1960. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature, 2021. 141-173.
- PILNÝ Ondřej. “‘Did You Like How I Made That Turn, Officer?’ Martin McDonagh’s Hangmen and Capital Punishment”. In SCHWALL, Hedwig. Boundaries, Passages, Transitions. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2018. pp. 91-100. 266 p.
Journal Articles (recent)
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“‘An extraordinary deposition’: Enda Walsh’s Medicine.” Litteraria Pragensia, 32.63 (2022): 76-87. Open Access.
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“Irish Studies in Continental Europe.” Irish University Review 50.1 (2020): 215-220.PILNÝ Ondřej.“‘Ulster Says No’ – Again? David Ireland’s Cyprus Avenue, Cliché, and Brexit.” Hradec Králové Journal of Anglophone Studies 6.1 (2019): 29-38. Open Access.
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“Constructing the Irish in Central Europe: German Travel Narratives and Czech Political Emancipation in the Mid-nineteenth Century.” Journal of Irish Studies (IASIL Japan) 34 (October 2019): 11-25.
- PILNÝ Ondřej.“Anxieties in Irish Theatre.” Journal of Contemporary Drama in English 7.1 (2019): 29-45.
- PILNÝ Ondřej. “Dermot Healy and Memory”. Ilha do Desterro, special issue on Artistic Collaborations, eds. Alinne Balduino Fernandes, Maria Rita Drummond Viana, Miriam Haughton, 71.2 (2018): 173-188.