Ing. Lourdes Gabriela Daza Aramayo, Ph.D.
Letenská 5, 118 00, Prague 1

Aramayo, is founder and director of the Latin American & Caribbean (LAC) Business and Studies Center at AAU and held founder’s rights to the university between 2019 and 2023.
Aramayo holds an engineer’s degree in political economics with a specialization in the analysis of socio-economic data and a Ph.D. in Economic Policy from the University of Economics, Prague. She specializes in EU-Latin America relations.
Aramayo is the former executive director of the center for Latin American Studies at the University of Economics and previously a lecturer in the Department of Economics and International Relations at AAU. She is likewise a member of the Bi-Regional Academic Council of the Permanent Academic Forum Latin America and Caribbean-European Union.
EU & Latin American/Caribbean relations, international trade, trade gender, applied econometrics, economy policy and economic analysis
Publications & Other Activities
Torres Jarrín, M., & Daza Aramayo, L. G. (2023). EU-MERCOSUR Interregionalism. In United Nations University Series on Regionalism. Springer International Publishing. EU-MERCOSUR Interregionalism: Diplomatic and Trade Relations | SpringerLink
Mario Torres Jarrín, Lourdes Daza Aramayo Jacobo Ramirez & Shaun Riordan, Global Policy Report-OECD. Digital Economy: Potential Cooperation Area Between the Czech Republic and Pacific Alliance. This work is published by the European Institute of International Studies (EIIS) in collaboration with the Latin American & Caribbean Business and Studies Center at Anglo American University, along with the Copenhagen Business School (CBS) and the support of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Printed in Paris, June 22, 2020. URL: Global-Policy-Report-Digital-economy-Pacific-Alliance-and-Czech-Republic.pdf (
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Análisis del Intercambio Comercial entre la Unión Europea y América Latina y el Caribe. In: Temas Actuales de Europa: Una Mirada Multidisciplinaria, Tirant lo Blanch, 2020, pages 71-96. ISBN Paper: 9788413557373, ISBN Ebook: 9788413557380. URL: Temas Actuales de Europa: Una Mirada MultidisciplinariaTirant lo Blanch – Librería Tirant Lo Blanch
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. — VOKOUN, M. Corruption, Political Instability and the Informal Sector in Latin America: Efficiency Analysis Of Latin American Companies Using DEA Model. In SOLIMAN, K S. (ed.). Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth. USA: IBIMA, 2017, s. 4385–4398. ISBN 978-0-9860419-9-0. URL:
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. — VOKOUN, M. Exports from the Visegrad Group to Latin America – Factors of attractiveness between 2001 and 2013. Současná Evropa. 2016. sv. 21, č. 1, s. 42–60. ISSN 1804-1280. URL:
VOKOUN, M. — DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Business Environment Index for Developing Countries: The Case of Latin America. Latin American Business Review. 2017. č. 7 August, s. 1–17. ISSN 1097-8526. URL:
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Desafíos para alcanzar la inclusión social a través de los sistemas de educación superior. Brusel: Segunda Cumbre Académica Comunidad de Estados Latinoamericanos y Caribenos y La Unión Europea, 2016. 6 s. URL:
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. An Analysis of the Commercial Relations between Latin America and China. In INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED BUSINESS RESEARCH, (ed.). ICABR
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Promises, facts and challenges: Analysis of EU-LAC summits (1999-2015). In CAHA, Z. — STELLNER, F. — VELKOVÁ, V. (ed.). Littera Scripta. České Budějovice: Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v Českých Budějovicích, 2015, s. 23–36. ISSN 1805-9112. URL:
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. — SOLDATYUK, N. Measuring efficiency of South American SME sector using DEA. In Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth. Madrid: IBIMA, 2015, s. 1991–1996. ISBN 978-0-9860419-5-2.
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. — SOLDATYUK, N. — ODINTSOV, K. Data Envelopment Analysis Approach and Its Application in the Telecommunication Sector in South America. In Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth. Madrid: IBIMA, 2015, s. 2659–2670. ISBN 978-0-9860419-5-2.
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. FDI attractiveness in Latin America. In ČERMÁKOVÁ, K. — ROTSCHEDL, J. (ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd Economics & Finance Conference. Praha: International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, 2014, s. 83–101. ISBN 978-80-87927-01-4. URL:
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Determinación de la competitividad en países de América Latina: aplicación de un nuevo método. Perfiles latinoamericanos [elektronický zdroj] : revista de la Sede Académica de México de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. 2014. sv. 22, č. 44, s. 219–234. URL:
Determinación de la competitividad en países de América Latina: aplicación de un nuevo método (
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Sociální zabezpečení ve vybraných státech Latinské Ameriky – důchodové systémy. Práce a mzda : odborný časopis pro praxi personalistů a mzdových účetních. 2010. sv. 58, č. 9, s. 32–36. ISSN 0032-6208.
DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Análisis de las probabilidades de la ampliación de la cobertura de Seguridad Social en América Latina, cuáles serían sus efectos y sus probabilidades de éxito. In 6a Conferencia Internacional de Política e Investigación en Seguridad Social. Luxemburgo: ISSA, 2010. Access link.
NĚMEC, J. — PECHÁČEK, Š. — KERCLOVÁ, H. — FOJTÍKOVÁ, J. — OPATRNÝ, J. — BENÁČEK, V. — DAZA ARAMAYO, L G. Informe del Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados del Parlamento de la República Checa sobre las relaciones de la República Checa con los países de América Latina y el papel de la Cámara de Diputados en este proceso. Praha. 2010.